We all see the same things differently. Our unique experiences give each of us a one-of-a-kind vantage point. And that’s why understanding the role perspective plays in branding is essential for marketers and communicators.

Each member of your audience — those interacting with your brand — will have a unique impression of who you are because they view and interpret things from different angles.

An important practice in marketing and communications is knowing your brand. We like to take that a step further: Understanding both the major and subtle differences between how you perceive your brand and how your customer perceives it is crucial.

 Let’s do some word association.

Think about McDonald’s. What comes to mind? Perhaps words like unhealthy, delicious, greasy or guilty pleasure. Maybe your mouth’s watering when you think about the taste of the iconic Big Mac. It’s possible you will have both positive and negative associations with the brand.

As a consumer, I love the taste of McDonald’s — it reminds me of my childhood. But as someone who’s health-conscious, I try to resist the urge for fast food.

Perhaps the rumors about how there’s no real beef in McDonalds’ ‘mystery meat’ got to you, and you haven’t set foot in one of their restaurants since then.

Maybe you have a soft spot for animals and consider McDonalds' factory farming to be inhumane.

Or perhaps someone you know has benefited from the Ronald McDonald House, an organization that provides families of sick children a place to stay near the hospital.

Maybe McDonald’s is your go-to place for fries and a milkshake, and you can’t imagine a world without it.

The point is, there are so many things that can impact how a person feels about your brand. Understanding what your audience loves the most about your organization can help you strategically leverage those qualities in your marketing. On the flip side, understanding what roadblocks stand between you and your audience can help you make meaningful adjustments to both your operations and your messaging in order to provide value to more people and reach your goals. 

This level of awareness is vital for effective strategic planning and execution. Don’t know where to start? We’re here to help.

Brian Klassen
Brian Klassen President

Brian has worked with many national and international advertising agencies spanning a number of market sectors, including agriculture, not-for-profits, associations, sports & entertainment, and finance.