Video transcript:

Hey folks, let's talk about a question we hear all the time: "Is it time for a rebrand?"  

First though, let’s talk through a related question: What does ‘brand’ even mean? Think of a brand as your organization’s personality. It's who you are, what you do, and how people feel about you—people inside and outside your organization. 

Why does this matter? Well, your brand can make or break how loyal and passionate people are about your organization. If you’re being overlooked or misunderstood—or there’s some confusion about who you are and what you do—maybe it's time for a brand makeover.  

Of course, you can’t blame everything on a broken brand. If you're missing goals and targets, it could be a mission or vision problem there could be a misalignment somewhere. But for today, let's assume your mission and vision are rock solid, and your team’s all in.  

So, what is branding? It's about more than just your logo or tagline. It's the colors, the tone, the way you communicate—all the things that evoke emotion and connect with people. And guess what? Sometimes your brand evolves without you even noticing in ways that aren’t helpful, and that's why you’ve got to keep a close eye on it.  

So how do you know you need a rebrand? Simple. If people are getting the wrong idea about your organization or if you're starting to blend in with your competitors, then it’s time to shake things up. 

But hold on. Let’s slow down for just a second. Rebranding isn't a walk in the park. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. The approach we take is methodical and strategic, but it’s not for the faint-hearted. Let me give you a quick overview. 

First off, you’ve got to know your story inside and out. You can't tell the world who you are if you're having an identity crisis, right?  

Figure out how people see you now, so you can change their minds later. As best you can, come to an objective understanding of your brand.  

Next up, strategize. Based on your self-reflection and audience insights, you have to make adjustments.You want your audience to resonate with the new brand. They’re the ones you need to take this journey with you. 

Then comes the grunt work: Execution. This isn’t a one-person show; it’s an all-hands-on-deck situation. From the C-suite to your interns, everyone needs to be aligned to make this new brand come alive.  

After that, it's go-time! Buy ad space, host events, launch new sales programs—just get out there. But remember, accountability is key. Everyone on the team needs to know their role in this brand-transformation process. 

Last but not least, you have to measure your results. Do people like the new brand? Is it resonating? Is it helping you meet your targets? Keep tabs on it. 

To wrap it up, if you're considering a rebrand, you probably already know whether or not you need one. The real question is, do you have the time, energy and focus to pull it off?  

And of course, if you’re thinking about a brand makeover, we’re here and ready to help. We’d love to put our expertise to work for you.  

Brian Klassen
Brian Klassen President

Brian has worked with many national and international advertising agencies spanning a number of market sectors, including agriculture, not-for-profits, associations, sports & entertainment, and finance.